
2001.09 -2005.07: 沈阳师范大学数学系,理学学士
2005.09-2008.02: 东北大学数学系,理学硕士
2008.03-2011.07: 哈尔滨工业大学控制科学与工程系,工学博士
1. 大数据背景下的模糊粗糙集建模及应用,中央高校基本业务费种子基金项目,2017.1-2018.12,12万,在研,主持人。
1. 考虑噪声分布的鲁棒模糊粗糙集模型及算法研究,国家自然科学基金,2013.1-2015.12,24万,已结题, 主持人。
2. 模糊粗糙集理论在非线性回归建模中的应用,中央高校基本业务费种子基金项目,2013.1-2014.12,13万,已结题, 主持人。
本人自2008年以来一直从事机器学习与模式识别方面的研究工作,具体研究模糊粗糙集理论及稳健分类与预测建模。已经提出了软模糊粗糙集、基于软最小超球的模糊粗糙集和基于稳健统计量的模糊粗糙集等一系列稳健模糊粗糙集模型。这些研究成果先后发表在Information Sciences、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems、IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、Fundamenta Informaticae等国际期刊上。2012年6月起本人进入天津大学计算机学院计算机科学与技术流动站进修在职博士后。主要研究方向有模式识别和机器学习,具体研究鲁棒建模、不确定性建模以及鲁棒机器学习算法设计等。本人主持国家自然科学基金项目1项,主持省部级科学基金项目3项,主持博士后基金1项;共发表学术论文17篇,其中13篇被SCI检索;主编出版学术专著1部,参编学术专著2部。
1. Shuang An, Qinghua Hu, Witold Pedrycz, Pengfei Zhu, Eric C. C. Tsang. Data-distribution-aware fuzzy fough setmodel and its application to robust classification. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 46, 12(2016)3073-3085. (SCI, EI, WOS: 000388923100031)
2. Shuang An, Hong Shi, Qinghua Hu, Xiaoqi Li, Jianwu Dang. Fuzzy rough regression with application to wind speed prediction. Information Sciences, 282(2014)388-400. (SCI, EI, WOS: 000340979000022)
3. Shuang An, Qinghua Hu. Fuzzy Rough Decision Trees. Fundamenta Informaticae, Advances on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, 132(2014)381-399. (SCI, WOS: 000343004800007)
4. Shuang An, Qinghua Hu, Daren Yu. Soft minimum enclosing ball-based robust fuzzy rough sets. Fundamenta Informaticae, 115(2012)189-202. (SCI, WOS: 000302777700005)
5. Qinghua Hu, Shuang An, Daren Yu. Robust Fuzzy Rough Classifiers. Fuzzy sets and systems, 183(2011)26-43. (SCI, EI, WOS: 000295444200002)
6. Qinghua Hu, Shuang An, Daren Yu. Soft Fuzzy Rough Sets for Robust Feature Evaluation and Selection, Information Sciences, 180 (2010) 4384-4400. (SCI, EI, WOS: 000282405000009)
7. Daren Yu, Shuang An, Qinghua Hu. Fuzzy Mutual Information Based Min-Redundancy and Max-Relevance Heterogeneous Feature Selection, Intrnational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 4(2011)619-633. (SCI, EI, WOS: 000297795000018)
8. Shuang An, Qinghua Hu, Daren Yu. A Robust Fuzzy Rough Set Model Based on Minimum Enclosing Ball, Rough Set and Knowledge Technology,Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6401(2010)102-109. (SCIE, WOS: 000314802800019)
9. Shuang An, Qinghua Hu, Daren Yu. Case-Based Classifier With Fuzzy Rough Sets, Rough Set and Knowledge Technology, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 6954(2011)172-177. (SCI E, WOS: 000306442300024)
10. Qinghua Hu, Lei Zhang, Shuang An, David Zhang, Daren Yu. On robust fuzzy rough set models. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 20(2012)636-651. (SCI, EI, WOS: 000307187500004)
11. Qinghua Hu, Wei Pan, Shuang An, Peijun Ma, Weijin mao. An efficient gene selection technique for cancer recognition based on neighborhood mutual information. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 1(2010)63-74.(SCI, EI, WOS: 000209203000006)
12. Mingyang Wang, Guang Yu, Shuang An, Daren Yu, Discovery of factors influencing citation impact based on a soft fuzzy rough set model. Scientometrics, 93(2012)635-644.(SCI, WOS: 000310964500004)
13. Qinghua Hu, Lei Zhang, David, Zhang, Witold Pedrycz, Shuang An. Measuring relevance between numerical and nominal features. Measuring relevance between discrete and continuous features based on neighborhood mutual information. Expert Systems with Applications 38(2011)10737-10750. (SCI, EI, WOS:000291118500003)
14. Mingyang Wang, Guang Yu, Jianzhong Xu, Huixin He, Daren Yu, Shuang An. Development a case-based classifier for predicting highly cited papers. Journal of Informetrics, 6(2012)586-599.(SCI,WOS: 000308581700016)
15. Shuang An, Qinghua Hu, DarenYu. Fuzzy Entropy Based Max-Relevancy and Min-Redundancy Feature Selection, IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, Hangzhou,pp: 101-106, 2008. (EI, WOS: 000263829500032)
16. Shuang An, Qinghua Hu. Fuzzy Rough Decision Trees, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7413(2012)397-404.
17. Xiaoxue Wang, Shuang An, Hong Shi, Qinghua Hu. Fuzzy rough decision trees for multi-label classification. 15th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, 9437(2015) 207-217.